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Fleet awards for Alphabet Poland

Nagrody flotowe dla Alphabet Polska

Alphabet Poland is the winner of many industry awards, which confirm not only the professionalism of our services, but also an innovative approach to customer service. In 2014, we were honored in two prestigious Plebiscites - Fleet Awards Poland and Fleet Derby.

Fleet Awards Poland

The Fleet Awards Polska plebiscite, organized by Fleet Magazine, is aimed at selecting the best vehicles, products and services dedicated to fleets. All important importers and leading suppliers of fleet products and services compete in this plebiscite. Internet voting is attended by fleet managers and people professionally associated with fleets of company vehicles.

Alphabet Polska won in 2 out of 5 product categories, in which it was nominated:

- Mobile solutions - for the AlphaGuide driver app
- Eco Solutions - for the AlphaElectric service

We have also won an award that required an open answear from voters as the Company Most Friendly to Fleet Managers.

Fleet Derby

Fleet Derby Plebiscite also selects the best products and services dedicated to fleets. The winners of this prestigious competition are selected through online voting, in which fleet managers and fleet decision makers, who are direct recipients of CFM services, take part.

For the second year in a row, Alphabet Poland has won the prize for the best Car Fleet Management service.

The Fleet Derby Plebiscite has been organized by "Fleet" magazine since 2012. Alphabet Polska was honored with an award in each of the three editions of the competition, and the first of them was the victory in the "Fleet Novelty" category.